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Thursday 14 January 2016

A Walk Along The River Banks

Once again the day started quite cold, but as the morning advanced so did the temperature.

BarneyWoo relaxing
Today I had arranged to walk with my friend Jane and her pup Rubio, although to look at him you wouldn't think he was only a pup as he weighs about 15kgs. As usual I took BarneyWoo with the intention of trying to improve Rubio's discipline, as he is a bit of a handful at the moment. Thankfully it seemed to work reasonably well, Barney asserted himself, although smaller, and ensured that he was the alpha male of the two.

We parked near to the base of the Forest Fire-fighters and the airstrip and started the walk alongside the runway, The walk then takes us along the path just up from the river bank and through passages of thick cane. We then reach the Eucalyptus wood with its wonderful floor of wild flowers which are starting to come out very early because of the springlike weather that we have been having.
When we reached the old river crossing and that was the turning point to come back the same route through the woods, but then dropped down onto the side of the Rio Guadlehorce and back to the end of the runway. This is where the Rio Guadlehorce and Rio Grande meet to form one river. We carried on alongside the runway but this time on the riverbank and through more Eucalyptus woods.

It was then past the Gravel heaps and under the A357 and along the banks of the Rio Grande until we reach the 'rapids' flowing under the bridge that carries the old drovers track the goes between Coin and Zalea.

An about turn and a return walk back to the cars in somewhat higher temperatures that when we set out.

Was Rubio more disciplined when we had finished, it was hard to say, only that he really enjoyed his first walk out with Barney. Rubio was never very far away from Barney and seemed to enjoy exploring with him, including a couple of outings into the river.

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